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Buy Crack Cocaine Powder online. Cocaine and crack are powerful stimulants and highly addictive. Their effects on your physical and mental health can be serious and sometimes fatal.

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About cocaine and crack


Cocaine is also known as:

  • C
  • rock
  • snow
  • coke
  • blow

It is made from the leaves of the South American coca bush. The leaves are processed into a fine, white powder.
In this form, cocaine can be: Buy Crack Cocaine Powder online – buy crack cocaine powder (

  • sniffed into the nose (snorted)
  • dissolved in water and injected into the vein

The effects of cocaine can be different from:

  • person to person
  • one use to the next

The way cocaine makes people feel depends on many factors, including whether it is:

  • snorted
  • injected
  • smoked


Crack is the form of cocaine you can smoke.

Cocaine and crack are controlled under Schedule I of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Activities such as sale, possession or production of these substances are illegal unless authorized for medical, scientific or industrial purposes.

Short-term effects of cocaine and crack

Cocaine and crack are fast-acting drugs. Their effects begin within seconds to minutes of use. Cocaine changes brain chemistry so that people feel a sense of well-being (euphoria).

Mental effects

Short-term mental effects can also include:

  • panic
  • anxiety
  • feeling happy and mentally alert
  • having more energy and self-confidence
  • paranoid thinking (believing that people want to harm you)

Physical effects

Cocaine and crack both have moderate and severe physical effects.
Moderate effects can include:

  • dry mouth
  • becoming talkative
  • restlessness and irritability
  • widened (dilated) pupils of the eyes
  • quicker startle reflexes and muscle twitches
  • a heightened sense of sight, sound and touch
  • a temporary decrease in need for food and sleep

More severe effects can include:

  • tremors
  • dizziness
  • violent behaviour
  • nausea and vomiting
  • rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (crack)

Long-term effects of cocaine and crack

Long-term cocaine use may cause a range of physical and mental effects.

Mental effects

The longer people use it, the worse the harm to them can be. Over time cocaine can cause physical changes in the brain. Some of these changes may affect your ability to function in life, at work or at school.
Some ongoing mental health effects linked to long-term use can include:

  • depression
  • sleeping problems
  • extreme changes in mood
  • erratic or violent behaviour
  • feelings of distrust, judgment, jealousy or suspicion (paranoia)
  • losing touch with reality (hallucinations, delusions or psychosis)

Physical effects

Cocaine use can also lead to a variety of long-term physical effects.

Lung, nose and breathing problems

Smoking crack is hard on the lungs. Symptoms of long-term crack use may include:

  • severe chest pain
  • low blood oxygen
  • difficulty breathing, such as:
    • wheezing
    • shortness of breath
    • even breathing failure
  • collapsed or inflamed lungs that fill up with fluid
  • coughing, including coughing up blood from the lungs

People who regularly snort cocaine can develop nose and sinus problems. These include:

  • losing the sense of smell
  • having frequent nosebleeds
  • having a red, chapped or runny nose
  • developing frequent nose and sinus infections
  • developing a hole in the wall between the nostrils

Heart problems

Cocaine stresses the heart, creating high blood pressure and a fast or irregular heartbeat. This increases the possibility of a heart attack. Even young and healthy people are at risk, especially if they use cocaine and alcohol together.

Cocaine use is also linked with an increased risk of stroke.

Stomach problems

Cocaine use is linked to a range of stomach health issues, including:

  • abdominal pain
  • nausea and vomiting
  • changes in appetite
    • ranging between intense hunger to no interest in food, resulting in lack of proper nutrition
  • bowel perforation and decay

Other problems

Prolonged cocaine use may also cause other health issues, such as:

  • impotence
    • males may have difficulty getting an erection
  • low libido
    • cocaine can cause a sharp decline in sex drive in both men and women
  • pregnancy problems
    • if pregnant women use cocaine, they risk
      • stillbirth
      • miscarriage
      • premature delivery
  • bleeding in the brain
    • cocaine can cause blood vessels in the brain to burst, which can be fatal

Risks related to cocaine and crack use

The most serious risk of cocaine or crack use is overdose, which can be lethal. Overdose can include:

  • seizures or convulsions
  • breathing (respiratory) failure
  • stroke (loss of proper blood flow to the brain)
  • irregular heartbeat, heart attack or heart failure

The amount of cocaine needed to cause an overdose varies.

The possibility of accidental overdose is higher when people do not know exactly what drug they are taking or how strong it is. The risk of overdose also increases with the co-use of other substances such as alcohol or opioids, for example. 

Staying at the scene of an overdose is important to help save the life of the person experiencing an overdose. The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act provides some legal protection for individuals who witness an overdose and call 911 or their local emergency number for help.

There are also risks related to how individuals use the drug. If users inject cocaine, they risk complications such as:

  • skin infection
  • blood poisoning
  • infection of the lining of the heart

If you share drug equipment like needles, pipes or spoons, you also risk infection. Contaminated equipment can spread several serious diseases, such as

The substances cocaine is often mixed (cut) with may produce additional adverse or toxic effects.

There is a significant risk of heart problems, even in younger people without pre-existing cardiovascular conditions.

All risks increase if you consumed crack or cocaine in large amounts over a short period, to stay high for hours or days (bingeing).

Substance use disorders and withdrawal

Cocaine and crack are highly addictive. People with a substance use disorder cannot function without their drug. They also need more and more to get the same effect, because their body builds up tolerance.

If you have a substance use disorder related to cocaine or crack you will experience intense cravings. It is difficult to focus on anything else and eventually, your life can be taken over by the urge to get and use cocaine and crack.

If you stop persistent cocaine use abruptly, you will experience withdrawal symptoms, in addition to cravings for cocaine.

Other withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • depression
  • violent behaviour
  • feeling hungry all the time
  • difficulty sleeping or disturbed sleep
  • loss of physical and mental energy

Cocaine Plays? Meet the Companies With an Angle on Hard Drugs

A Canadian company is betting that illegal drugs such as cocaine are going to follow the path of cannabis.
A Canadian company is betting that illegal drugs such as cocaine are going to follow the path of cannabis.Photographer: Jody Amiet/AFP

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By Tiffany Kary

October 2, 2023 at 4:00 AM PDT


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Tiffany Kary shows you how once-illegal drugs like marijuana and psychedelics are becoming big business.

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Welcome to my newsletter on the cannabis and psychedelics industries. This week, I take a look at companies that are positioning themselves to benefit from a potential wave of decriminalization of hard drugs, including cocaine.

‘Safe’ supply?

If “what are you smoking?” used to the be the skeptical response to those who said marijuana would one day be legal in more than 38 US states, the new catchphrase might be “what are you snorting?”

Earlier this month, a Canadian company, Safe Supply Streaming, did a reverse takeover with a psychedelics company in order to prepare for listing on a small-cap stock exchange in Canada. Its thesis is a “third wave” of relaxing drug laws, following those that have opened up use of marijuana and psychedelics. The next wave, the company predicts, will cover hard drugs, like heroin and cocaine.

The company wants to use its “streaming” model to invest in addiction clinics, fentanyl test-strip makers and other businesses that might benefit from such a shift, as well as energy drinks that contain coca leaves (but without cocaine, just like Coca-Cola beverages).

The development shows shifting attitudes toward hard drugs as their decriminalization in places including Oregon and British Columbia has stoked business interest. Early investors tout the idea that just as legal, regulated marijuana was supposed to quash drug crime and obliterate underage use, creating a “safe supply” of hard drugs could do the same — and also solve the problem of fentanyl contamination.

The idea is pitched to appeal to governments desperate for policy solutions to soaring overdose deaths. But it’s bound to generate skepticism. Even the much more widely accepted legalization of marijuana has been showing severe downsides, as seen in problems that have surfaced in Colorado, Washington and New York.

Even without relaxed laws, illegal cocaine production is surging: Colombian cocaine output has soared and is even set to overtake the country’s oil exports. Its illegal use has brought with it corruption across the Americas and the infiltration of one of the world’s top shipping companies.

But Safe Supply Streaming isn’t the only company building a business model around the possibility of more cocaine use — legal or otherwise.

In February, Lucy Scientific Discovery, a Victoria, British Columbia-based company, announced it was looking to expand its licensing to manufacture cocaine, heroin and other drugs. Lucy, which already has Canadian licenses to make limited amounts of psilocybin, MDMA, LSD and mescaline for research, said that “the shift toward a public-health response to the drug crisis will provide greater opportunities for people who use substances to connect with a growing range of harm reduction and treatment options.”

Shares are down 81% since then. The company didn’t immediately return an email seeking comment about its application.

Other companies in Canada are also touting their dealer’s licenses from the country’s health regulator that allow them to provide substances such as cocaine for limited purposes. One, Adastra Holdings, a cannabis company, had to retract a press statement that suggested it could sell cocaine. The mishap led to a class-action lawsuit.

Filament Health, a Vancouver-based company doing research on psychedelic drug candidates, last week announced a $2 million private placement from Negev Capital. According to the company’s regulatory filing, cocaine is among the substances for which it has a dealer’s license.

“At Filament, we believe that a pharmaceutical drug made from coca leaf may have potential for the treatment of several mental-health indications including ADHD,” the company’s co-founder Ben Lightburn said in an emailed response to a question about whether it considered its dealer’s license for cocaine a significant asset. Filament’s license speaks to its high safety standards, he added, and the company recently imported coca leaf from Peru in partnership with the Peruvian government. He said Filament is beginning research on the potential for ADHD treatment.

According to a search of regulatory filings and earnings calls, other companies that make cocaine-related products include Intelligent Bio Solutions, which makes a system to screen for cocaine, opioids and other drugs in the workplace, and Omeros Corp., which is which is working on an oral drug to treat cocaine-use disorder after receiving a grant this year from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Number of the week

  • $345 millionThe amount in grants the US government announced last week to combat the fentanyl crisis.

Quote of the week

“Our charges make clear that the Justice Department is attacking every single aspect of the cartels’ operations. That includes going after their suppliers in China who sell fentanyl precursor chemicals to the cartels.”

— Merrick Garland

US attorney general

Garland spoke at a summit of the Drug Enforcement Administration

What you need to know

  • The Senate Banking Committee backed legislation that would offer federal protections to banks that offer financial services to cannabis businesses, which is still against the law despite being legal in many states.
  • WNBA star Brittney Griner, recently freed from Russia on drug possession charges, was among the attendees at a fundraiser for President Joe Biden on Sept. 28 in Phoenix.
  • New York’s cannabis regulator is looking to grant 1,500 new licenses to help alleviate a surplus of marijuana that producers have built up amid a lack of legal channels for sales.
  • More than 3,000 New Yorkers died of drug overdoses in 2022, the highest number since the city began keeping records more than two decades ago, as the synthetic opioid fentanyl takes an increasing toll.
  • The Associated Press reported on a former lawmaker who was sentenced to prison after admitting he accepted at least $110,000 in bribes when he led a marijuana licensing board.
  • Many online cannabis sellers fail to enforce age restrictions on purchases, according to a story in the New York Times.

Know someone else who would like this newsletter? Have them sign up here. And get in touch with any questions, concerns, or news tips.

Crack, Powder Cocaine & Heroin: Drug Purchase

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Federal Cocaine Offenses: An Analysis of Crack and …

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by KJ Riley — Information was collected from 2,056 recently arrested powder cocaine, crack cocaine, and heroin users in five cities in Illinois, New York, Oregon, Texas, …


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Cocaine is an intense, euphoria-producing stimulant drug with strong addictive potential. Street Title. Blow, Coca, Coke, Crack, Crank, Flake, Rock, Snow, Soda …

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2 Oct 2023 — A Canadian company is betting that illegal drugs such as cocaine are going to follow the path of cannabis. Photographer: Jody Amiet/AFP.

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Using synthetic cocaine leads to unbearable addiction

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29 Jun 2011 — They are drug dealers looking to make money off of you any way they can, and selling fake cocaine is the perfect way. Why? The chemicals they …

Cocaine: A spectrum of products

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More rarely, adulterants are other illicit drugs like amphetamine and methamphetamine, and even more rarely they include new psychoactive substances.

Cocaine abuse in North America: a milestone in history

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by G Das · 1993 · Cited by 129 — The euphoric effects of coca leaves have been known to mankind for thousands of years. Yet the first epidemic of cocaine use in America occurred during the …

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Drifting into Dealing: Becoming a Cocaine Seller

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by S Murphy · 1990 · Cited by 164 — Old or new, the ideal-typical “drug dealer” is motivated by perverse greed and/or his own addiction, and has crossed a clearly marked moral boundary, severing …

Powdered Cocaine Fast Facts

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Powdered cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride) is a stimulant that is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant, which is native to South America.


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Crack-cocaine is also referred to as “rock,” “cookies,” “ice cream,” “coke,” and “poison”. Cocaine hydrochloride is a white crystalline powder that ranges …

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The mean retail price per gram for powder cocaine in South Africa was ZAR 650. (€36), while the mean retail price for a gram of crack cocaine was ZAR 1 250 (€69) …

Crack vs. Cocaine – The Recovery Village Palmer Lake

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12 Jul 2023 — Crack and cocaine are similar, but not exactly the same. Learn more about what crack cocaine looks like, differences between crack and …

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28 Nov 2022 — Different cutting agents used in drug manufacturing: benzocaine, lidocaine, phenacetin, baby powder, caffeine, chloroquine, and aspirin.

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No matter how much cocaine costs, the price of addiction treatment will always work out more cost-effective than a lifetime of cocaine abuse. Note with cocaine …

Cocaine: MedlinePlus

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24 Jan 2024 — Cocaine, also called crack cocaine, is a highly addictive stimulant. It can be snorted, injected, or smoked. Learn about health effects and …

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3 Jan 2024 — Cut Cocaine vs. Pure Cocaine. Other substances may be added in order to change or intensify the effects of the drug or to allow dealers to …

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by JJ Palamar · 2014 · Cited by 38 — In addition, powder and crack cocaine users tend to differ socially, as powder cocaine is often associated with “party” and social settings (18, …

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28 May 2014 — The state Senate on Wednesday approved a measure that would reduce the penalty for possession of crack cocaine for sale to the same as that …

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13 Sept 2023 — Explore the varying costs of cocaine in the U.S., factors affecting its price, and the importance of seeking cocaine addiction treatment.…

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by N Solomon · 2017 · Cited by 34 — Over the last decade, levamisole has been increasingly encountered as an additive in both powder and crack cocaine. A white powder with a “fish scale” …

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31 May 2017 — Cocaine, a stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant, was used as a surgical anesthetic and in commercial products by the late …

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Coke; Crack; Rock; Snow. How do people use cocaine? People snort cocaine powder through the nose, or they rub it into their …

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6 Nov 2013 — Crack cocaine, the substance Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he has used, can produce a wide range of potentially harmful and dangerous effects …

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Cocaine (C17H21NO4) is a powerfully addictive, psychoactive, stimulant drug. On the street it is usually sold as a fine, white crystal powder. The powdered, …

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Cocaine is one of the most widely used illicit drugs in California. This article explains the difference between powder and crack, discusses the crimes that …

NY & Federal Laws for Cocaine or Crack Possession or Sale

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19 Aug 2020 — New York Penalties for possession or sale of cocaine or crack by quantity. If you have been arrested with cocaine/crack related charges, …

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25 Feb 2011 — Â Powder cocaine can be converted into crack or freebase, both of which are bases. The relevant molecule in coca paste, crack, and freebase is …

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21 Mar 2019 — The House Judiciary Committee has approved legislation that would finally level the punishment for possession of crack versus powder cocaine …

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by RS King · 2006 · Cited by 28 — … cocaine is far harsher than for powder cocaine. A conviction for sale of 500 grams of powder cocaine results in a 5-year mandatory minimum sentence, while …

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In the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Congress further distinguished crack cocaine from both powder cocaine and other drugs by creating a mandatory minimum …

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Hundreds of early Hollywood silent films depicted scenes of drug use and trafficking(11). In 1914, the Harrison Narcotic Act outlawed cocaine in the United …

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27 Jun 2023 — This chart shows cocaine retail street prices in selected countries in 2021 ($ per gram)*.


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Heroin comes in a white to brown powder or a dark tar-like substance, and is sold in a variety of packaging. The most dangerous and addictive narcotic is heroin …

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Knowing how to recognize cutting agents for cocaine can help you overcome addiction. Call 888.565.0451 today to learn more about drug rehab in NJ.

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A white powder stimulant that is normally snorted or rubbed into the gums. Also called: Blow; C; Chang; Charlie; Ching; Coke; Crack; Flake; Freebase; Pebbles …

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Helen Taylor Greene, ‎ Shaun L. Gabbidon · 2009 · ‎ Business & Economics

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